We BELIEVE in the Bible as the Holy Word of God, verbally inspired and presenting the mind of God, the will of God, and the redemptive plan of God to man.
We BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of the world and that He is the ONLY way to God and one’s salvation.
We BELIEVE in the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ; That Mary was found of child by the Holy Ghost and conceived the Saviour without a human father.
We BELIEVE in the literal physical death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross for the sins of the world and His literal physical bodily resurrection from the grave on the third day, and that He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father.
We BELIEVE in a personal salvation for each individual; that each individual must exercise their own personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved.
We BELIEVE in the universal church of the Lord Jesus Christ, His body on earth, composed of every born-again believer regardless of their denominational preference.
We BELIEVE in the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and water baptism as set forth in the Word of God, but we do not associate any saving virtue to these ordinances.
We BELIEVE in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as recorded in the Word of God. These gifts are for all generations and should be exercised in the church under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the direction of the pastors.
We BELIEVE in the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; that these three in essence are one and make up the God Head.
We BELIEVE in the priesthood of every believer, that each believer has the God-given right of prayer and intercession before the Throne of God, and they should exercise this privilege daily.
We BELIEVE in the Second-coming of the Lord Jesus Christ appearing in the clouds with power and great glory to catch away His church, His body on this earth.
We BELIEVE in the Great Tribulation period that will come upon all the earth to try the inhabitants thereof.
We BELIEVE in the 0ne-thousand year reign of Christ upon the earth with the church, His saints.
We BELIEVE in the Great White Throne Judgement, the last judgement of God upon the earth, where all the unsaved will appear to be judged before God.
We BELIEVE that there is a literal place called hell which is not the grave, but a place of eternal punishment for the unsaved dead.
We BELIEVE in the judgement seat of Christ, where every Christian will stand and give account of his Christian life on this earth and receive his rewards.
We BELIEVE in the local church, with Christ as the head and the pastor as the under-shepherd, that it is established in a community to fulfill the great commission and to edify the believers.
We BELIEVE that membership in the local church is obtained by the following means: a personal statement of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and water baptism, or a verbal statement of faith and water baptism in another Christian church of like faith.
We BELIEVE in each member being faithful in attendance, prayer, giving of time, talents and financial means to the local church, to promote its growth, spiritual development and out-reach ministries in the local community.
We BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ adding members to the local church and that each member has the same rights in the church as any other member, that all members should have the same care and love for one another and that each member promotes the good-will and spiritual harmony of the church.
We BELIEVE in church discipline and that it should be exercised in the church by the spiritual leaders of the church, in love, not to destroy and tear down, but to build up the local church in love and fellowship. That any discipline should be administered according to the Word of God.
We BELIEVE that there is a place called heaven, that it is the abode of God and a place where all the saved will dwell forever in eternal bliss with God.
We BELIEVE that the Bible teaches marriage is the union of one man and one woman under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and that these two become one.